Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Types of Eaters

One thing I've noticed about myself and about the people I've been helping over the last year and a half is how everybody struggles with something different, when it comes to eating.  Your nutrition in 80% of how you look and feel and the thing that people struggle with the most on their health and fitness journeys.  I've also learned that there is not a "one size fits all" solution.  That's why there are SO MANY fitness and nutrition programs out there, but not everyone is at their goal weight and in peak physical condition.


Generally speaking, I have found five different categories of "dieters" fall into when they are not achieving success.  I don't like to use the word diet because I think it has a negative connotation (when really, a diet is just the combination of foods that you eat).

Which of the following categories do you fall into?

The Snacker:

You snack throughout the day-- a couple chips here, a piece of chocolate there, maybe even a few apple slices or a handful of nuts.  You may not even know what being hungry OR being full feels like.  You figure if you're not eating giant meals, you're golden... but you're still not losing any weight.

The Problem:  You're constantly thinking about the next snack, and even though you're never full, you still may be eating too much, too often.

The Solution:  Plan out your meals... don't let your eyes and your hands drive what you eat and when.  Save about 2-3 hours in between the food you eat, try to incorporate a little protein every time (keeps you fuller longer).

The Habitual Dieter:

You try every new diet especially that require you to without entire types food groups.  You become sucked into the "science" behind these diets and the success stories behind them, without thinking about your own personal habits and needs.

The Problem:  Cutting out entire food groups (when there is no allergy or other medical problem) can leave your body void of certain nutrients.  In order to cope, your body will react by leaving you dissatisfied, fatigued, and eventually cause you to fail... either by starting to eat the foods you originally cut out OR eating junk foods that satisfy your cravings.

The Solution:  A wide variety, balance and portion control of healthy carbs, fats and proteins is the answer!

The Binger:

Your willpower is strong... until you eat one [insert junk food here].  Then everything falls apart in a wild moment of madness.

The Problem:  Depending on the binge, it can negate all of your hard work and willpower to eat well the other 90% of the time.  Plus, binging is often one of those habits that is connected with your emotions... it starts because of a certain emotion you're feeling, and ends with your feeling guilty and self-loathing.

The Solution:  Know your weaknesses.  Either relax and allow yourself some treats when you normally wouldn't, or create a situation where there is not enough junk to binge (just buy a two-pack of cookies, share with a friend, give the rest away).

The Zombie:

You eat out of habit, routine, and EASE, barely conscious of what you're eating.

The Problem:  For starters, you're not getting a variety of types of food.  Eating the same foods everyday almost guarantees that you're missing some key nutrients, since there isn't a magic combination of foods that you could eat in one day that would give you everything you needed.  Secondly, you're probably eating the same things everyday because it's easy.  Easy foods usually mean highly processed, refined foods that come in boxes and bags off a shelf or a freezer.

The Solution:  Plan your meals into your day so you have some time to prepare and cook.  Try one new thing every day.  Eat at your kitchen table and have a glass of wine :)

The Comfort Eater:

You eat to fill a void, because eating feels better than your painful feelings.

The Problem:  You don't know when you're hungry, but you know when you're feeling bad.  You don't eat food to fuel your body, you eat to feel better emotionally.  It usually doesn't work.

The Solution:  Talk to someone.  It's more than just the food.  And work on learning when you're hungry and how to eat a balanced meal.  Once your body feels better because you're putting good food into it, it will be easier to make your mind better as well.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Sweet (Potato) Victory

One of my 30 Before 30 goals is to try a new food every month!  Well, I went to Wisconsin and tried a sweet potato!

Monday, November 2, 2015

30 Before 30!

Alright.  I've entered my last year of my 20s.  And I'm not one to set time limits on goals... I take disappointment and failure pretty rough.  Only recently have I learned to turn my failures into positives and to look at the journey not the destination etc. etc.

But I figured, what the hell.  I do like lists, so might as well make a list of 30 Things to Do Before I'm 30.  And because I'm a realist, this is a REALISTIC list.  Meaning, you won't find "Pay off Dan's student loans" there because, well, we'd have to win the lottery.

You should also know that I lead a PRETTY boring life.  Mostly, if in one year from now my life were exactly the same, I'd be happy.  So making this list was difficult.

However, when I offered this idea up to my friends of Facebook, one of them suggested that instead I focus on all the amazing things I have accomplished up to this point, and not what's left.  A glass half full sort of list.  That idea inspired me, so you'll find that list here as well.

I plan to check back to this post regularly to keep you up to tabs with what I've accomplished!

30 Things to Do Before I'm 30 (in no particular order)

1.  Run a marathon (COMPLETED January 17, 2016)

2.  Go to Europe

3.  Finish visiting every winery in NJ (about 9 more to go!)

4.  Go on a city Segway tour

5.  Get tenure (scheduled September 2016)

6.  Go parasailing (COMPLETED June 25, 2016)

7.  Get a tattoo

8.  Get a dog

9.  Finish decorating the "crap room"

10.  Complete Insanity: Max 30

11.  Go to North Carolina with Dan (COMPLETED Spring Break 2016)

12.  Host Thanksgiving for my family in my house  (COMPLETED November 26, 2015)

13.  Try a new food once a month

14.  Run multiple Rock 'n' Roll races (starting with the marathon)

15.  Get 1,000 likes on my FB page (LIKE IT HERE!! It's awesome!)

16.  Not work during the Summer of 2016 (COMPLETED Summer 2016)

17.  Have a giant display box made for my wedding dress (yes I'm a psycho.  It's like a work of art)

18.  Stop biting my nails (I'm currently doing pretty damn well) (I caved and got fake nails again... oh well!)

19.  Blog three times a month! (November 2015, December 2015, January 2016 so far)

20.  Get new glasses (seriously, mine are like 5 years old)

21.  Own a Louis Vuitton 

22.  Replace the screen door (COMPLETED May 10, 2016)

23.  Get my group fitness certification (part of a bigger goal ;) )

24.  Have $5,000 in my savings account

25.  Go to a Rangers game at Madison Square Garden

26.  Get a piano (COMPLETED November 24, 2015)

27.  Make gnocchi from scratch.  Or raviolis.

28.  Give blood.  I used to do this about 10 years ago.  Then I fainted and I never did it again. (COMPLETED January 27, 2016)

29.  Paddle board at the beach (in the bay or ocean)

30.  Something that's just for me... I don't have to tell you all of my goals :)

29 Things I Accomplished Before Turning 29

1.  Got a Bachelor's degree
2.  Got a Master's degree
3.  Got married
4.  Bought a house
5.  Paid off my college loans
6.  Got a teaching job
7.  Ran two half marathons
8.  Recovered from knee surgery
9.  Traveled to Hawaii (and climbed a volcano!)
10.  Went white water rafting and camping in the Grand Canyon
11.  Went to Mets Spring Training
12.  Sang in Saint Patrick's Cathedral in NYC
13.  Toured Boston and DC completely by myself
14.  Flown on a plane by myself many times
15.  Did not get pregnant by accident!
16.  Donated my hair twice
17.  Saw Celine Dion in concert twice!
18.  Secured a weekly PiYo class
19.  Saw seven Broadway shows
20.  Been to Canada and Mexico
21.  Been on a plane over 100 times
22.  Had a massage
23.  Was in an infomercial!
24.  Cut down my own Christmas tree
25.  Pay my own bills
26.  Never tried drugs... or beer (lol)
27.  Made a lot of new friends... on the internetz.
28.  Spent significant time in 15 states.  Many more if you count flight layovers!
29.  Gave blood!

Can't wait to check in and let you know when everything happens!