Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Greek Yogurt: Jack of All Seasonings

When I was little, I didn't eat things that looked gross.  And if I tried something and it WAS gross, you can be sure I didn't eat that thing again (voluntarily.  My parents were able to get me to eat my veggies by force-feeding me or threatening to take away my dessert).

So basically, I was like every child on earth.

I have grown in significant leaps and bounds since then (whether my parents want to admit it or not). I am very willing to try new things (on my own terms), and sometimes, even after some initial grossness (it's a word), I will try things a second, or even a third time.  Some food, like some people, deserve a second chance.

Enter greek yogurt.

I have been eating yogurt pretty much every day since I started college.  That's 10 years of yogurts.  3500 yogurts.  I single-handedly keep the yogurt industry in business.  Before college, though, I was eating yogurts maybe once or twice a week.  Always strawberry.  When I was little, I used to dip Doritos in it (try it, you won't regret it).  I lost a tooth in one of my yogurts in kindergarten.  When I got to college, I graduated to putting some Grape Nuts in for some extra crunch.  When I started working after college and thinking a little bit more about the food I was putting into my mouth (a little bit more... I was still eating buttered noodles every night for dinner), I decided to give greek yogurt a try.  It was trendy, and had more protein which I'd learned would keep me fuller long.

It was gross.

I really skeeved the texture.  It was not for me.  I immediately went back to my Dannon Light and Fit.  Only 80 calories!

Then I started nannying, and like any good "mother" I started eating the same food as the kids:  chicken nuggets, gold fish, and fruit snacks (made with real fruit!?).  I decided to make another feeble attempt to "get healthy" and told myself that even though greek yogurt was gross, and more calories, it had less sugar and was better for me.

All of a sudden, greek yogurt became the thing I was missing in my life.  I was even craving the taste and texture.  I was glad I had given Chobani another chance.

Fast forward to this past summer.  I was really dialing in on my eating habits, learning more about how food is fuel, and I was seeing a lot of positive changes in my body, so I was motivated to keep trying new things.  I decided to try two things:  vanilla greek yogurt and plain greek yogurt, both with added fresh strawberries.  This would significantly reduce my sugar intake.

Both gross.

I posted about it on my Facebook page and people were very quick to give their suggestions of ways to make the plain yogurt taste less like a bowl of sour cream.  But I just wasn't interested.  I wasn't ready.

Two days ago, I was ready.

A coworker of mine had tried the greek yogurt recipe in the 21 Day Fix Extreme recipe book and loved it.  One red, 1 tsp of cinnamon, and half a banana.  I had already had a banana that day, but I remembered someone had suggested months before to add a smidgen of honey.

Hello lover.

All of a sudden, I had new-found respect for plain greek yogurt.  I started conspiring... what if, instead of dipping my afternoon cauliflower in hummus (one blue), I started dipping it in greek yogurt and spices?  That would be one green AND a protein and I could save my blue for cheese with dinner!  I need to tell the whole world!

And so here we are.  First is the recipe for a sweeter greek yogurt treat.  I head you can put it in the freezer for a few minutes and it turns into frozen yogurt!  The rest are spice mixes that you can add to one red of greek yogurt.  I usually add one teaspoon. It's amazing how a few spices really cut the tartness.

Cinnamon Yogurt
One Red Nonfat plain greek yogurt
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp honey

Optional additions: 1 tsp nut butter, fresh fruit

Mexican Seasoning
Equal parts ground Cumin, Garlic powder, Chili powder, Onion powder
(if a recipe calls for one packet of Mexican Seasoning, use 1 tablespoon of each of these spices)

Southwest Seasoning
1 Tbsp Chili powder
2 tsp ground Cumin
1 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 smoked paprika
1 tsp sea salt

Mediterranean Seasoning
4 Tbsp dried parsley, crushed
4 tsp dried onion flakes
2 tsp dried basil, crushed
1 tsp ground oregano
1 tsp ground thyme
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp ground black pepper

All-Purpose Seasoning
4 tsp onion powder
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp mustard powder
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp salt

Ranch Seasoning
1 Tbsp dill
1 Tbsp parsley flakes
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp dry minced onion
1/2 tsp ground black pepper

What do you like to add to your plain greek yogurt?

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