Tuesday, December 29, 2015

And Egg-cellent Holiday

Just in the [Saint] Nick of time... I tried my new food for December. (get it? har har)

That new food?  Eggs.

I know, I know.  Here's the thing... I've eaten LOADS of scrambled eggs.  However, I've never tried them any other way.  My parents never really ate anything but scrambled eggs, so I had no reason to try them any other way.  My mom would occasionally eat hard boiled eggs, but I thought they seemed gross.  So I never tried them.

I REALLY wanted to try a hard-boiled egg.  My thought was that they are the PERFECT travel snack.  So easy to make ahead of time and take with me on the go or to school, especially if I need more protein and fat.  But everyone's favorite Rachel convinced me to try over easy eggs first.  Organic over easy eggs cooked in grass-fed butter on an english muffin.  Wasn't going to say no to that.  So on Christmas Eve, Rachel came over and made us a very special little breakfast.

Final Thoughts:  Didn't love it, didn't hate it.  For all the work it took, I would rather just eat scrambled eggs.  I loved eating the english muffin though.  And it was really pretty.

A couple days later, I decided to attempt the hard boiled egg.  When my husband and I got married, we registered for this awesome egg timer, even though neither of us really eat hard or soft boiled eggs.  But obviously, it was worth it (two years later), since I got to try it now:

I just made one and had it with a side of bread sticks.  At least there would be one thing on my plate I'd be guaranteed to like...

Final Thoughts:  Multiple people couldn't tell whether I liked it from my picture above, but I really did!  It was quick and easy to eat, and delicious with a little salt and pepper.  I am SO excited to be able to add hard boiled eggs to my meal planning repertoire!

What new food should I try in January?!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Stress Fracture Story

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  Here are just some of the pictures I took during the longest three weeks of my life:

As you can see, it's been quite a roller coaster ride.  For those of you not in the loop (www.facebook.com/FitbyExample), let me recap.

A couple weeks ago, I got new shoes.  The old ones were two years old, but a lot of that time I hadn't worn them because of my knee surgery.  I just felt like their time had come, and I needed a new pair to finish out my training.  I stuck with Asics, but picked something with a little less cushioning, but also a half size up to account for any swelling during long runs.

I wore them a couple times.  The first long run I did with them was 15 miles... the longest run I've EVER done.  I felt great.  After the run, I had a little discomfort all around my foot... the top, the arch and even the ball of my foot.  It felt like I needed to crack it, but it wasn't cracking.

By my next run on Tuesday of that week, I felt fine and went for an easy four mile run.  Again, no pain during the run, but enough pain after for me to reevaluate my week.  I would skip my 8 mile run that week and wait until Sunday for my 16 mile run.

On Sunday, everything was fine until about four miles in.  I started to have some pain in the areas I'd had in the past, but nothing that made me feel like I needed to stop and walk.  By mile nine the pain was bad enough that I could tell that I was running unnaturally, but still not enough for me to feel like I needed to stop.  I finished the 16 miles, but I couldn't walk the rest of the day.

After a fitful night of sleep, I woke up, still in pain, and iced my foot.  I didn't realize until I tried to put on my shoes that my foot was swollen.  Even wearing a sock was painful.  I decided to go to Urgent Care that afternoon, because I knew they would be able to take an X-ray right away.  The doctor at Urgent Care was not concerned.  She told me it was probably just my new shoes.  Take a week off and then try going back to my old sneakers.  No break was found on the X-rays.

Just to be safe, I had an appointment with the PA at my orthopedic's office the next day.  To my distaste, she was pretty quick to assume it was a stress fracture, and immediately told me to start rethinking my marathon.  Four to six weeks of healing time and a slow reentry into running would take me right up to the 26.2 miles.  If I didn't rest and recover, I could possibly do more damage to my foot.  She gave me a walking boot, wrote me a script for an MRI, and sent me on my way.

It was all very tough to deal with.  I obviously had a lot of emotions and questions and thoughts.  Did I really have a stress fracture?  If I could run through 16 miles in pain, couldn't I do ten more?  Would it heal by January 17?  Could I refrain from running until January 17 and then just wing it at the race?  Would I really do irreversible damage to it if I kept running?

How do I tell people what happened?  So many friends and people I don't even know have been following me on this journey since September.  Some even since I became a coach right after my knee surgery.  What would they say?  I felt like a failure.

I decided to play it all by ear.  Get the MRI, see what it said, take it from there.  Meanwhile I dug myself into a nice little hole of sadness.  I felt depressed and alone.  I tried to turn things around by focusing on what I COULD do.  I lifted a lot.  I even made a pretty sweet video of lower body moves you can do off your feet.

After a week and a half and a lot of angry phone calls to my insurance company and my doctor's office, I found out that I was going to need a SECOND X-ray before I could be approved for an MRI.  By this point it was more clear than ever that my foot wasn't broken, so the whole process felt arbitrary and like a waste of money.  But a waste of money for the insurance company, so I played along.  48 hours after my second X-ray (and 18 days after my first doctor's appointment!!!), I was FINALLY able to get an MRI.

I didn't hear from the doctor's office the day after the MRI.  At that point though, I had made a few decisions.  For one thing, I had already decided I was going to run the marathon, no matter what.  I wasn't exactly sure what my plan of action would be... how long I would wait to run again, how far or how often I would run leading up to the race, I just knew I was definitely going to Arizona on January 17, and I was definitely going to finish that marathon.  I also decided I was done with the boot.  I wasn't wearing it anymore.  The whole rest of my body was jacked up from walking lopsided and I was over it.  Finally, I decided that I was going to go for a short, 2-3 mile run in my old sneakers, and see how it went.

The run went fantastic!  No pain during or after!  I wore my old shoes and made sure to ice it afterwards.  Yesterday I went rogue to work without the boot and got a visit to the chiropractor in as well.

Finally last night, the doctor called me.  According the the MRI, I didn't currently have a stress fracture, but I had some swelling, which could be a sign of a recent stress fracture that had healed.  We'll never know for sure, because it took two and a half weeks after the initial pain to get the images.  She gave me the all clear to forego the boot (good thing, since I already had) and to slowly start running again (yeah... did that too).  With her cautious blessing, marathon training could officially begin again!

So that's where we are today.  I plan on doing about three to four more runs before the new year, all five miles or less.  If those go well, I'll pick up to eight and ten miles.  There is no real time for a taper, so the week before the race, I may even do 16-20.  Then it's off to Arizona!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

You Overate... Now What?

It's the most wonderful time of the year!
With the drinks and the sweets, you'll for sure overeat,
It's the most wonderful time of the year!

That's how the song goes... right?

I hate how every time I go to a party and I see all the amazing appetizers and desserts and drinks, I act like this is the last time in my life I'll ever see food again.  Not only do I regret it in the short term with the stomach ache and the bloat, making stuffing my face a habit over the holiday season means I'm also going to regret what my body looks like in the mirror over the long term.

What's a food lover and binger to do?

Tip 1:  All is not lost!  Personally, I do really good when I don't have any slip ups.  The second I eat that unplanned treat, I figure, well I've had one cookie, I might as well have the other 11 in the pack.  WRONG.  That's like saying it doesn't matter whether you choose a 200 calorie piece of pie or a 2000 calorie piece of pie!  Enjoy your treat, and continue on with your day and your healthy choices.

Tip 2:  Forgive yourself!  Stop being so hard on yourself!  It may actually be a whole year before you get to have your favorite Christmas cookies again!  So just have one!  No one is perfect, even the people you see on social media.  So forgive yourself and move on.

Tip 3:  After you forgive yourself, make a plan!  So you had a few treats and maybe things got out of hand.  Tomorrow is a new day.  Grab a pen and a piece of paper and meal plan for tomorrow.  When can you fit in a workout?  What do you have to do tomorrow to make sure you get back and stay on track?  Do you need to tell a friend to keep you accountable?

Tip 4:  Take action!  Implement that plan from yesterday.  To make yourself feel better, sweat it out for about 45 minutes.  Finish with 10-15 minutes of stretching.  It's the best way to start your day off on the right foot and continue with a meal plan full of veggies, healthy fats and whole grain carbs.  Increase digestion by increasing your fiber, limiting your meat intake, and drinking lot of water!

Tip 5:  Stop eating an hour earlier than you normally do.  Brush your teeth, drink more water, and even go to bed earlier!  Whatever you have to do!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Types of Eaters

One thing I've noticed about myself and about the people I've been helping over the last year and a half is how everybody struggles with something different, when it comes to eating.  Your nutrition in 80% of how you look and feel and the thing that people struggle with the most on their health and fitness journeys.  I've also learned that there is not a "one size fits all" solution.  That's why there are SO MANY fitness and nutrition programs out there, but not everyone is at their goal weight and in peak physical condition.


Generally speaking, I have found five different categories of "dieters" fall into when they are not achieving success.  I don't like to use the word diet because I think it has a negative connotation (when really, a diet is just the combination of foods that you eat).

Which of the following categories do you fall into?

The Snacker:

You snack throughout the day-- a couple chips here, a piece of chocolate there, maybe even a few apple slices or a handful of nuts.  You may not even know what being hungry OR being full feels like.  You figure if you're not eating giant meals, you're golden... but you're still not losing any weight.

The Problem:  You're constantly thinking about the next snack, and even though you're never full, you still may be eating too much, too often.

The Solution:  Plan out your meals... don't let your eyes and your hands drive what you eat and when.  Save about 2-3 hours in between the food you eat, try to incorporate a little protein every time (keeps you fuller longer).

The Habitual Dieter:

You try every new diet especially that require you to without entire types food groups.  You become sucked into the "science" behind these diets and the success stories behind them, without thinking about your own personal habits and needs.

The Problem:  Cutting out entire food groups (when there is no allergy or other medical problem) can leave your body void of certain nutrients.  In order to cope, your body will react by leaving you dissatisfied, fatigued, and eventually cause you to fail... either by starting to eat the foods you originally cut out OR eating junk foods that satisfy your cravings.

The Solution:  A wide variety, balance and portion control of healthy carbs, fats and proteins is the answer!

The Binger:

Your willpower is strong... until you eat one [insert junk food here].  Then everything falls apart in a wild moment of madness.

The Problem:  Depending on the binge, it can negate all of your hard work and willpower to eat well the other 90% of the time.  Plus, binging is often one of those habits that is connected with your emotions... it starts because of a certain emotion you're feeling, and ends with your feeling guilty and self-loathing.

The Solution:  Know your weaknesses.  Either relax and allow yourself some treats when you normally wouldn't, or create a situation where there is not enough junk to binge (just buy a two-pack of cookies, share with a friend, give the rest away).

The Zombie:

You eat out of habit, routine, and EASE, barely conscious of what you're eating.

The Problem:  For starters, you're not getting a variety of types of food.  Eating the same foods everyday almost guarantees that you're missing some key nutrients, since there isn't a magic combination of foods that you could eat in one day that would give you everything you needed.  Secondly, you're probably eating the same things everyday because it's easy.  Easy foods usually mean highly processed, refined foods that come in boxes and bags off a shelf or a freezer.

The Solution:  Plan your meals into your day so you have some time to prepare and cook.  Try one new thing every day.  Eat at your kitchen table and have a glass of wine :)

The Comfort Eater:

You eat to fill a void, because eating feels better than your painful feelings.

The Problem:  You don't know when you're hungry, but you know when you're feeling bad.  You don't eat food to fuel your body, you eat to feel better emotionally.  It usually doesn't work.

The Solution:  Talk to someone.  It's more than just the food.  And work on learning when you're hungry and how to eat a balanced meal.  Once your body feels better because you're putting good food into it, it will be easier to make your mind better as well.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Sweet (Potato) Victory

One of my 30 Before 30 goals is to try a new food every month!  Well, I went to Wisconsin and tried a sweet potato!

Monday, November 2, 2015

30 Before 30!

Alright.  I've entered my last year of my 20s.  And I'm not one to set time limits on goals... I take disappointment and failure pretty rough.  Only recently have I learned to turn my failures into positives and to look at the journey not the destination etc. etc.

But I figured, what the hell.  I do like lists, so might as well make a list of 30 Things to Do Before I'm 30.  And because I'm a realist, this is a REALISTIC list.  Meaning, you won't find "Pay off Dan's student loans" there because, well, we'd have to win the lottery.

You should also know that I lead a PRETTY boring life.  Mostly, if in one year from now my life were exactly the same, I'd be happy.  So making this list was difficult.

However, when I offered this idea up to my friends of Facebook, one of them suggested that instead I focus on all the amazing things I have accomplished up to this point, and not what's left.  A glass half full sort of list.  That idea inspired me, so you'll find that list here as well.

I plan to check back to this post regularly to keep you up to tabs with what I've accomplished!

30 Things to Do Before I'm 30 (in no particular order)

1.  Run a marathon (COMPLETED January 17, 2016)

2.  Go to Europe

3.  Finish visiting every winery in NJ (about 9 more to go!)

4.  Go on a city Segway tour

5.  Get tenure (scheduled September 2016)

6.  Go parasailing (COMPLETED June 25, 2016)

7.  Get a tattoo

8.  Get a dog

9.  Finish decorating the "crap room"

10.  Complete Insanity: Max 30

11.  Go to North Carolina with Dan (COMPLETED Spring Break 2016)

12.  Host Thanksgiving for my family in my house  (COMPLETED November 26, 2015)

13.  Try a new food once a month

14.  Run multiple Rock 'n' Roll races (starting with the marathon)

15.  Get 1,000 likes on my FB page (LIKE IT HERE!! It's awesome!)

16.  Not work during the Summer of 2016 (COMPLETED Summer 2016)

17.  Have a giant display box made for my wedding dress (yes I'm a psycho.  It's like a work of art)

18.  Stop biting my nails (I'm currently doing pretty damn well) (I caved and got fake nails again... oh well!)

19.  Blog three times a month! (November 2015, December 2015, January 2016 so far)

20.  Get new glasses (seriously, mine are like 5 years old)

21.  Own a Louis Vuitton 

22.  Replace the screen door (COMPLETED May 10, 2016)

23.  Get my group fitness certification (part of a bigger goal ;) )

24.  Have $5,000 in my savings account

25.  Go to a Rangers game at Madison Square Garden

26.  Get a piano (COMPLETED November 24, 2015)

27.  Make gnocchi from scratch.  Or raviolis.

28.  Give blood.  I used to do this about 10 years ago.  Then I fainted and I never did it again. (COMPLETED January 27, 2016)

29.  Paddle board at the beach (in the bay or ocean)

30.  Something that's just for me... I don't have to tell you all of my goals :)

29 Things I Accomplished Before Turning 29

1.  Got a Bachelor's degree
2.  Got a Master's degree
3.  Got married
4.  Bought a house
5.  Paid off my college loans
6.  Got a teaching job
7.  Ran two half marathons
8.  Recovered from knee surgery
9.  Traveled to Hawaii (and climbed a volcano!)
10.  Went white water rafting and camping in the Grand Canyon
11.  Went to Mets Spring Training
12.  Sang in Saint Patrick's Cathedral in NYC
13.  Toured Boston and DC completely by myself
14.  Flown on a plane by myself many times
15.  Did not get pregnant by accident!
16.  Donated my hair twice
17.  Saw Celine Dion in concert twice!
18.  Secured a weekly PiYo class
19.  Saw seven Broadway shows
20.  Been to Canada and Mexico
21.  Been on a plane over 100 times
22.  Had a massage
23.  Was in an infomercial!
24.  Cut down my own Christmas tree
25.  Pay my own bills
26.  Never tried drugs... or beer (lol)
27.  Made a lot of new friends... on the internetz.
28.  Spent significant time in 15 states.  Many more if you count flight layovers!
29.  Gave blood!

Can't wait to check in and let you know when everything happens!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Spaghetti Squash Virgin

"What is that?!"  I said with weird disgust.

"It's a spaghetti quash."  Explained my roommate.

"Why? Does it have spaghetti inside?!"  Now I was getting excited.

"Well, no.  It's a squash.  But after you cook it, it looks like spaghetti."

"Oh.  That's gross."

That was the end of that conversation a mere five years ago... until two weeks ago, when on a whim, I purchased a spaghetti squash from the super market.  The scariest food purchase I've made, to date (I'm just not ready for beets yet).

What to do with this thing?  Can I made it taste like spaghetti?  Forget cooking it, how do I open it?!

My Facebook friends seemed to have a lot to say.

Some hate it, some love it.  Some swear it tastes like spaghetti, some told me if I expect it to taste like spaghetti, I'll be disappointed.  Some told me to bake it, some to microwave it, some to cut it first, some to cut it later.  I became very confused.  Then I became sick with a cold.

So the spaghetti squash sat patiently on the counter.  Until last night.

Armed with a lot of how-to pictures, I preheated my oven to 400 degrees,

carefully and somewhat awkwardly sliced my squash in half,

scooped out the centers (like a pumpkin!),

placed both halves facedown in a baking dish with some water, covered them with foil, and cooked them for 40 minutes.  

The sensation of being able to scrape the insides of the squash with a fork and have it come out like spaghetti was strangely satisfying.  Dan got half a squash and I got half.  Covered both with sauce and meatballs.  The moment of truth.

It was ok.  Yup, just ok.  I didn't love it, BUT I didn't hate it.  It didn't taste like spaghetti.  In fact, it didn't really taste like anything.  Dan and I were amused by it's tastelessness.  So instead of focusing on my tepid review of the taste, let's focus on the amazing things that happened last night:

-I tried something new and out of my comfort zone
-I found a VEGGIE that I would eat again
-I got Dan to try it with me

All wins in my book!  Tell me, how do you like to prepare and eat your spaghetti squash?!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Did I tell you...?!

Did I tell you I'm training for my very first marathon?!


I feel very excited and very much like a psycho.

I entered into running pretty reluctantly.  When I was young I played soccer and softball and I danced and did aerobics videos with my mom.  But when I got to college, all of that was gone and what was left was a gym with a treadmill.  So I got on it, and that's how I got my start.

I remember when my best friend asked me if I wanted to run a 5K with her my senior year of college.  

I thought she was a lunatic.

I legitimately trained for that run.  And listen, I KNOW how hard it is to run 3 miles when you have never run or you are not a runner.  That's why I'm telling you... I trained for that run, less than 8 years ago.  It was painful.  I thought I was running forever.  When we finished the run, I thought I was such a badass.

Less than a year later, I got this crazy idea that I should try running Broad Street, the largest 10 miler in the country.  I don't know what I was thinking, except that I could do it.

And I did it.  I remember finishing that 10 miles and thinking, "I have no desire to run a half marathon.  What psycho would run 3 more miles?"

Two and a half years later, I was that psycho.

And as I ran from mile 12 to mile 13.1, I remember thinking, "I will ABSOLUTELY do this again."

I signed up for two more half marathons (with the possibility of a marathon in the back of my brain), and with that, most definitely jinxed myself.  In January of 2014, just six weeks after my first half, a piercing pain in my knee sidelined me.  It took four months, two MRIs, PT, a knee brace, a cortisone shot, and three doctors to diagnose my mysterious injury:  Synovial Plica Syndrome.  On June 18, 2014, I had arthroscopic knee surgery and on June 19th, I signed up to be a Beachbody coach.  That day they introduced a new program called PiYo, that promised to be low-impact, especially for knees, but high-intensity.  My thought was, "Well, I won't be able to do anything else, I suppose I can do a little yoga."  You guys know my story.  PiYo taught me that I don't have to run to feel strong, healthy, and in shape.

But, four and a half months after my surgery, I ran a 10K race, and less than a year after surgery, I was reunited with my true love, the Broad Street 10 Miler.  That race sealed my fate.  I was all in, and a week later, I signed up for the Rock'n'Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia on October 31 and the Rock'n'Roll Marathon in Phoenix, Arizona on January 17.

I truly believe things happen for a reason.  I have seen so many things happen in my life that, at the time, felt like the end of the world, but in the end turned into a lesson or a blessing of some kind.  Being able to run this marathon means more to me now than it ever would have before, had I not gotten through the surgery, become a coach, and discovered PiYo.  Of course, there is a little voice inside of me wondering if I could beat my last half marathon time of 2:08, but I keep reminding myself, that's not what THIS half marathon is about.  This half marathon is just one more triumphant return to running; another distance my healed knee was able to carry me, the halfway point to my marathon, the ultimate goal.

In the next few days, I will post my marathon training calendar, along with how I came up with it!  Thank you for all your support and for sticking with me through this!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Beachbody Performance Line: How I used it on my long run

I was so excited when I woke up on Sunday morning for my 9 mile run!

And no, it wasn't because I was about to run 9 miles.  That would be crazy talk!

Back in July when I went to Beachbody Coach Summit in Nashville, Tennessee, I purchased a sample pack for the brand new Performance Line.  There was one serving of each of the five new formulas in the pack.  The main purpose of the sample pack is to make sure you like the taste of each formula, since supplements do their best work when used consistently over an extended period of time.

HOWEVER, I wanted to make sure that if I used them, I was using them in a way which would maximize their ability to work.  And what better time to use supplements than before, during, and after a 9 mile run?

So, I was very excited!

First up, the pre-workout formula Energize.  Energize is a combination of three main ingredients:  Beta-Alanine, which inhibits muscle acid buildup; Quercetin, which is known to increase the production of mitochondria and therefor improve exercise performance and recovery; and finally, low-dose caffeine from green tea.  I mixed one packet with 8 oz of water and drank it about 30 minutes before I started my run.  I had already had a bowl of oatmeal.  It was really yummy... it tasted like thicker lemonade, but it wasn't gritty AT ALL.

During my run, I put the during workout formula, Hydrate, in one of my water bottles with 8 oz of water.  Like a sports drink, Hydrate is a combination of carbohydrates and electrolytes to help keep your body hydrated during sweat loss.  Unlike a sports drink though, Hydrate has much less sugar, allowing the formula to be absorbed more quickly and easily into the bloodstream.  This was also delicious and tasted like a thicker citrus gatorade, but didn't leave my mouth feeling sticky and like I needed to keep drinking... which is the effect gatorade has on me.

Finally, after my run, I enjoyed the post-workout formula Recover.  Recover is essentially a protein shake, made with a variety of different proteins (whey isolate, pea and macular casein protein) and branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) which help to promote muscle synthesis.  There is also pomegranate extract in it, which is being studied as a natural non steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs)!

All in all, I had NO negative side effects with any of these products!  Yay!  If we are being 100% honest (and we are), I didn't feel much different after I took the Energize.  And I'm not surprised.  First of all, I don't need energy to workout... ever.  Second of all, caffeine has no effect on me.  There were many times in my former life that I would fall asleep half way through a can of Coke.  So... yeah.  But if you're someone that needs your morning cup of caffeination, I bet you'd really like Energize.  And like I said, it was tasty!  I'm not quite sure how the Hydrate worked for me.  I don't think I felt much different... that being said, it's been five months since I ran nine miles and almost two years since I was running that much consistently... and I felt really good!  So, I may be looking into a container of that!  Finally, I LOVED the Recover.  Loved it.  I actually thought it tasted better than my chocolate Shakeology!  I didn't blend it, I just shook it with water.  You are supposed to drinking it within 30 minutes of finishing exercising and usually, I don't feel like putting anything in my stomach that quickly.  But the Recover was SO easy to make and drink, that I had no problem.  I also felt fantastic the rest of the day, as well as the next day.  No sore muscles!  Was it the Recover?  MAYBE!  That's definitely going on my list!

All in all, a VERY positive experience using the Beachbody Performance line.  I know they are meant to be used with Beachbody workouts (duh), but they are even more valuable to me if I can use them as a runner as well.

Looking for more information?  Just fill out the form below!  I'm excited to talk to you!

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Food Dilemma: Poison or Pleasure?

I've been struggling lately.  I feel like a lot of people have.  I can feel it in the air.  I don't know if it the changing of the seasons or the start of school, but it seems like everyone around me is fighting their own personal battles.
I would've never been able to resist at Hogwarts

Mine, is food.

Last year, I got a real handle on my eating.  I wasn't heavy by any means, but I lost a good amount of fat that I was carrying around my middle and in my thighs.  I was eating more, eating cleaner, and lifting heavy.  I was drinking very little alcohol because I was exhausted every night from renovating my new home.  I felt strong both mentally and physically.

This year is proving to be a different story.  I have started training for my first marathon, a HUGE bucket list item that I never thought would be possible after my knee surgery.  And I know that one of the main struggles for runners can be eating TOO much... especially too much carbs.

So, I've been watching what I eat... at least, I think I have.  And I've been working out, hard, every day.  And yet, the pounds, and the fat, have been creeping back.

This makes me angry and frustrated!  Meanwhile, my good friend Bethany over at Living Between Labels is struggling with her own autoimmune issues.  She has been forced to cut out MAJOR foods, like tomatoes and wheat, because they cause her body to, essentially, attack itself.  The two of us, along with many of our other friends in the health and fitness world, talk daily about what we should be eating, what we shouldn't be eating, how much to eat, when to eat it.  And then we have to help our challengers navigate these same questions and struggles.  And that just goes for people with no food allergies or health issues!

It's exhausting.  And the struggle to constantly make the right choices is real for a lot of people.  My friend and coach Kristin can't eat gluten or dairy, and for her, she says it's simple:  these foods are poison.  If you think about it like you're eating poison, it's very easy to say no.

But then, food is an addiction for many.  Just like cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana and cocaine are all poisons, people still put them in their bodies every day.  And while many people die from them, many don't.

Food gives me joy.  Pizza and chocolate and ice cream and pasta and chips and grapes and cheese and wine.  I feel good when I drink my Shakeology and eat my salad for lunch and my lightly sweetened greek yogurt and my cauliflower and my turkey meatballs for dinner.  But those are not what I want.  But even when I do eat those consistently, sometimes it's not enough.  I want a treat.  Those are healthy in moderation.  But what is moderation?  One small portion a day?  One large portion a week?  You only live once, you know... what's wrong with having a glass of wine at dinner.

So here I sit, fighting with myself and my desires.  Do I want wine or do I want rock hard abs?  Do I want the guilt of eating a piece of chocolate or the agony of turning it down?  What is REALLY going to make me happy?  Food or 5% body fat?

You know what?  I'm not sure yet.  Whenever I think I know, I change my mind.

I want to live a long, happy, healthy life.  What's the recipe for that?

Monday, September 7, 2015

Quick, Easy and Delicious Breakfasts!

I have always been a breakfast eater.  Another opportunity to eat?  Let's do it!  When I was in grade school, my breakfasts weren't always the healthiest... but we ate well-rounded homemade meals for the rest of the day, and the Cinnamon Toast Crunch and donuts and waffles we had  in the morning didn't seem to have much of a negative impact on our health.

Now, of course, I still eat breakfast, but it's usually my healthiest meal of the day.  Of course I'm talking about Shakeology!  But, if you like to drink your Shakeology at a different time of day, or you haven't hopped on board yet, here are some awesome breakfast options!

So many different ways to make them!  I actually prefer mine scrambled in the microwave.  I know that sounds weird, but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!  Just crack a few eggs in a microwave-safe container, add a little almond milk if you’d like, and cook 30-60 seconds at a time, stirring in between heating.  Don’t overcook them though.  Wait until they start to balloon up in the microwave and there’s just a tiny bit of liquid left.  

Not only are eggs versatile because you can cook them a million different ways, but when you scramble them and make them into an omelet, you can add almost anything!  Tomatoes, spinach, peppers, ground meat, etc!  Check out this website for other basic ways to cook eggs.

I love me some greek yogurt.  What I love even more is that I figured out an AMAZING way to eat plain, non-fat greek yogurt without it tasting like sour cream!  The other greek yogurts are fine, but the fruit and added flavors can have a lot of unnecessary sugar and unnecessary processing.  Try adding either a LITTLE BIT of honey, maple syrup or ONE stevia packet to your yogurt and then some cinnamon or even pumpkin spice!  Delicious!

Ezekiel Bread:
Amazing, especially the cinnamon raisin!  It’s made with sprouted grains, which is a lot healthier than white, or even whole wheat (check that out here:  http://authoritynutrition.com/ezekiel-bread/).  A little butter or even some avocado on top and you’re good to go.  Remember though, this is still a carb, so make sure you have some protein with it!

Delicious and easy.  Save yourself money AND added chemicals and sugar by buying a giant container of plain oatmeal and scooping from that whenever you want it.  You can always add the fruit and cinnamon later.
Another helpful tip:  the longer the oatmeal needs to cook, the more WHOLE it is.  The more WHOLE it is, the healthier and more nutritious it is and the less processing it had been through.  Therefore, steel-cut/irish oats are heartier than rolled oats which are heartier than instant oats.  For me, I find rolled oats to be a good middle ground.  They only take about 5 minutes.  Certainly more time than one minute, but I can get other stuff done while that’s cooking.  Again, this is also a carb, so add some protein!

Ground Meat:
Don’t shy away from ground meat in the morning!  Who said you have to eat it for lunch and dinner!  Add that stuff to your eggs or even to your oatmeal!  Why not!

Looking for different ways to season your meat?  Check out all of the seasonings on this blog post!

I found a lot of amazing make-ahead, quick-eat recipes on the following blog.  They are all clean and labeled with whether they are freezer friendly, vegan, gluten free, etc.  I am excited to try some of these!

I should also note that a lot of the recipes call for protein powder.  If you are a Shakeology drinker, just use your Shakeology!  Even though Shakeology isn’t a “protein powder”, it had enough protein in it to have the same effect in the recipes!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Vacation Plan-- How to workout and eat right even while you're on vacation!

As a teacher, vacation has somewhat of a different meaning to me.  It's true that I don't have to go to work for a solid three months out of the year, but for me, having an entire day to my self means I'm cleaning the house, running errands, getting caught up on business stuff, and the list goes on.  If you really want to talk vacation with me, it means I'm not in my own house and most likely, also have a wonky internet connection.  Those two things for me = vacation.  Those two things also mean it's going to be hard for me to a) stick to my meal plan and b) workout.

But for me, I LOVE eating well because it makes me feel good and healthy.  I LOVE working out because it energizes me and gives me an outlet for my stress.  And so for me, when I take a vacation, a real vacation, I don't actually want to stop doing those two things!  But none the less, as I said before, taking a vacation does make those things difficult.  So, I wanted to talk about my tips and tricks to eating, working out and work your business even while you're on vacation!

Food is Fuel.

Everybody's vacations look different.  Some people are with their families and young kids, some are with friends, some are laying by the beach and pool all day napping and reading, some are walking around theme parks (me!), some are on amazing adventures like hiking and biking and rock climbing!  Whatever the case is, vacations almost always involve... RESTAURANTS.  People love not having to cook for themselves.  Seriously, if I didn't have to cook for the rest of my life, I would be a happy woman.  It's not that I don't like the actual cooking per say, but everything that goes along with it:  the meal planning, the shopping, the prep, the clean up.  Check please!

So what are some DOs and DON'Ts of restaurant dining if you're trying to stay on track?

DO eat all the fruits and veggies that come with your meal.  All of them.
DON'T eat the bread that comes before the meal!  Even though it is delicious.
DO save half of your meal as leftovers.  Restaurants almost always give inappropriate serving sizes.
DON'T order alcohol (or, order only one, and NOT the super sugary ones with the umbrellas in them!)
DO drink as much water as you can!
DON'T order meat and bread heavy options at every meal if you are eating out for multiple meals of the day.
DO skip dessert.

Everyone deserves a treat.  It will not be a treat if you are away for 10 days and eat whatever you want.  Trust me.  #allthepoop

Some other helpful tips for eating right while on vacation:

  • Keep some easy to keep and carry fruits and veggies in your hotel room/vacation space.  You can easily pack a banana, apple, or some baby carrots to munch on while your on the boat or taking a break from Space Mountain (woohoo!)
  • Don't go out for breakfast.  Instead, buy a box of cereal and eat it in your hotel room!  You can even keep little cartons of milk in the hotel fridge!
  • Remember that most places will sell you bottled water, but they will fill up a cup of water for free.  If you're not nervous about where the water is coming from, take advantage of that!
  • Did you know that with just 8 oz of water, you can shake up a serving of Shakeology and know that you are getting almost all of your necessarily vitamins and minerals for the day?  And covering a snack or meal?  And doing it for less than $4.66 a serving.  That's less than a water bottle at most vacation spots!

Wake Up and Work Out.

Getting motivated to workout during vacation is hard.  I get it!  The allure of sleeping in and cuddling with your significant other/kids/pillow is strong when it is a rarity on days when you have to go to work.  But instead of thinking of exercise as something that cuts in to or takes away from your vacation, think of it as something that adds to and enhances your vacation!

Take advantage of where you are and turn your surroundings into exercise.  Do yoga on the beach or take a bike ride on the boardwalk.  Do laps in the bay.  Jog through the woods or even through the city!   If it's a rainy day, grab a partner and head to the hotel gym or pool.  Vacations should also be about spending time with people that you... love to spend time with!  Imagine that!  So spend some time working up a good sweat and talking about what you're going to do that day or even how much fun you had the night before!

Regardless, just get up and move around.  If you spend all day walking around an amusement park, don't feel guilty about counting that as your exercise for the day.  But, if you're going to nap and drink mojitos all day long, a sunrise, exploratory jog might be just the ticket!

Are you looking for some accountability during your upcoming August vacation?  Or are you just looking for the motivation to get up and get moving?  What about daily posts and reminders to make good food choices?  How about the advantage of having ONE totally and completely healthy and guilt-free delicious meal that you can make at home or take on the go?

My Operation Vacation Challenge Group is starting on August 16, just three days before I leave on my own vacation to Disney World... and I would LOVE to have you join me (in the group... although if you want to come to Disney World with me, let's do it!)!   Just fill out the form below to apply!

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