Tuesday, February 17, 2015

3 Day Refresh Planning and Prep!

I'm taking the plunge.  It took me about 7 months, but I finally feel brave enough to attempt the 3 Day Refresh.  (What is the 3 Day Refresh?  Scroll down and I'll tell you!)

On my journey to this decision, I passed through all five stages of grief:

Denial-- I don't need to do some crazy cleanse!  I'm thin!  I don't eat crap!

Anger-- Why do I hate veggies?!  If I didn't hate veggies, maybe I would try it.  Stupid veggies.

Bargaining--  I promise I'll only eat one more brownie.  One more brownie can't hurt.

Depression--  I'm so bloated and I ate so much boo hoo me.

Acceptance--  OK I'LL DO IT!

So here we are.  Rachel (obviously) graciously volunteered to "do it" with me.  She completed the 3DR once before in the fall and lost a few pounds.  I have no idea what to expect in terms of weight/inch loss.  What I am most excited about is feeling and LOOKING less bloated.  After the holidays, and the Super Bowl and Valentine's Day, I'm ready for a little restart.

Rachel and I started off our President's Day with a little trip to Whole Foods.  Rachel has very high standards for her fruit and veggies.  I like cheap.  In case you didn't realize this, Whole Foods is not cheap.  But like they say, "You are what you eat, so don't be fast and cheap," heh heh.

Here's Rachel's beautiful meal prep:

And mine!  All done!

I'm also ready to be totally transparent about this little journey.  Here are my pictures and weight from this morning, my first morning.  I'll be back on Friday morning with updates on my pictures and weight (hopefully) loss.

Just so everyone knows, the 3 Day Refresh is a three day cleanse filled with fruits, veggies and healthy fats, along with protein and fiber shakes.  It is low caloric, but you still eat five times a day, with plenty of tea and water in between.  It's a great way to recover after a particular gluttonous weekend, prepare for an upcoming event or vacation, break through a plateau, or just jumpstart a new healthy lifestyle.

I was doing pretty well with my health and nutrition  through the holidays, and then for some reason, it caught up with me in January.  By that point, I knew I was going to be doing the refresh after Valentine's Day, so I really let myself go these last few weeks.  I am excited to get back on track and ready for a few spring runs I have planned and looking great for the summer!

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